College of Behavioral and Health Sciences Advising Center
CLUE Wall of Fame
Top Scorers in 2022 (At least 200 points):
Mairiam Ibrahim
Shawnda Thomas
Charlotte Daigle
Alayna Root
Larisa Rincon Molina
Matthew Laws
Sarah Kate Blackburn
Jennie Bulawa
Brionna Cunningham
Kimberly Embody
Shayla Sullivan

Fav Ways to Connect:
(Answers from 2022 scavenger hunt task)
- Attend the Student Organization Fair, Connection Point, other events
- Meet students on MTSU-related Facebook & Instagram pages
- Join all of the clubs that interest you–and then participate in them!
- Help someone (with homework or whatever!)
- Talk to people in line at Starbucks the cafeterias
- Join intramural sports
- Start a GroupMe with your classmates
- Meet your friends’ friends to expand your circle
My Favorite Prof:
(Answers from 2022 scavenger hunt task)

. . . gives us chances to show what we’ve learned and get feedback.
. . . helps us connect with other students.
. . . keeps us engaged.
. . . is funny, energetic, caring, and happy to help.
. . . believes in me.
. . . challenges me and helps me learn develop.
. . . is knowledgeable & is passionate about teaching.
. . . offers opportunities for teamwork.
. . . provides lots of visuals and examples.
True Blue Spirit!
(Pics from 2022 scavenger hunt task)

Manny the Mannequin
(Pics from 2022 scavenger hunt task)
Manny the Mannequin from Campus Rec joined the CLUE scavenger hunt this year. Players had fun making selfies with him!