College of Behavioral and Health Sciences Advising Center
Dean’s Welcome
Welcome to Customs! We’re thrilled that you have decided to join our team.
Your advisor, your instructors, all faculty involved in your major, the department chair/director, all of the support staff in your program area and at MTSU, and your Dean’s Office are all here to help you succeed. When you run into a bump, and you will, please know that you’re not alone. We’re all here. Reach out, we will respond.
The next few years of your life will be challenging and exciting. I encourage you to make the most of it.
Here’s to your wonderful TRUE BLUE experience.
Dr. Peter Grandjean, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Behavioral and Health Sciences
Resources from your Advisor
A step-by step guide for various tasks in Pipeline
Info about the True Blue Core general education program; A list of course options is available in Degree Works.
Info about requirements for some students based on ACT or placement test scores, to give extra support in a challenging area
For students with a 2023-2024 catalog year or earlier:
(Not sure what your catalog year is? Check Degree Works!)
Info about the classes you can choose from in each general education category
Info about requirements for some students based on ACT or placement test scores, to give extra support in a challenging area
Helpful Links
- University Honors College’s Customs info
- Early Arrival & Student Success Programs
- Scholars Academy early arriver program
- Accelerated Mentoring Program (AMP)
- Customs Online
- Immunization extension form
- (if missing 2nd dose of Varicella and/or MMR)